EBT & SNAP Market Match
SNAP Market Match is a nutrition incentive program that helps families and individuals who use Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)/EBT benefits increase their ability to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables from local farmers markets.
How to Use Your EBT Card at the Tumwater Farmers Market:
Head over to our Market booth where you will find our Market manager or a volunteer.
Swipe your EBT card and receive EBT market tokens.
Use EBT market tokens to purchase any food items including:
Fresh vegetables
Fresh fruits
Fresh Herbs
Seeds and plants that produce food (for example tomato seeds or tomato plants)
EBT market tokens cannot be redeemed for cash and no change can be given for purchases. EBT market tokens do not expire.
You will receive that amount in EBT tokens and the same amount in SNAP Market Match dollars. The Tumwater Market will match up to $25 or more per day per our agreement with the State of Washington.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can receive SNAP Market Match?
Customers who use the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)/EBT benefits quality for SNAP Market Match incentives.
Which products are not eligible for SNAP Market Match?
SNAP Market Match currency cannot be used for:
Dried, canned, or frozen vegetables
Dried, canned, or frozen fruits (including jams/jellies, and fruit juice or cider)
Dried herbs
Nuts, seeds, eggs, baked goods, seafood or meats, and milk or cheese
Is there a limit of how much SNAP Market Match a customer can earn?
The Tumwater Farmers Market can match up to $25 per market day.
WIC Checks
Many farms at the Tumwater Farmers Market accept WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) benefits.
The program’s goal is to provide fresh, healthy, unprocessed, locally grown fresh fruits, vegetables, and cut herbs to WIC families and low-income seniors. The program also seeks to expand awareness and sales at farmers markets and is funded by both the United States Department of Agriculture and the State of Washington and managed by the Department of Health.
WIC benefits are distributed annually in Thurston County through Sea Mar Health Clinic and in Mason, Lewis and Thurston County through the Community Action Council.
To learn more about these organizations visit:
Please look for the WIC & Senior sign in participating vendor's booths. WIC benefits cannot be redeemed for cash and no change can be given for purchases. WIC benefits expire annually.
Senior Checks
Ask the Lewis-Thurston-Mason Area Agency on Aging about Farmers Market Benefits for the 2024 Season: http://www.lmtaaa.org/
Several Farms at the Tumwater Farmers Market accept Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) benefits.
The program’s goal is to provide fresh, healthy, unprocessed, locally grown fresh fruits, vegetables, and cut herbs to low-income seniors. It is unded by both the United States Department of Agriculture and the State of Washington and run by the Department of Social Health Services.
The Lewis-Thurston-Mason Area Agency on Aging is distributing SFMNP benefits in 2024. To learn more: http://www.lmtaaa.org/
Please look for the WIC & Senior sign in participating vendor's booths. Senior benefits cannot be redeemed for cash and no change can be given for purchases. Senior benefits expire annually.